Sort computer assets by column where value is pulled from list.
in progress
Dave Walcott
When viewing computer assets, I can't click a column header to sort by that column value, if the value for that column is pulled from a list ("Admin > Lists").
For example, I have a "Department" field in my computer assets layout, and the value in each record is chosen from a pull down list ("Sales, HR, Finance," etc.). I can't click the "Department" column header while viewing my list of computers to sort by department, but I can click any column where the input value is simply txt or a number.
Would be great it we could click column headers on columns that contain data from a list.
Kristen W.
This feature is currently in beta testing and will be released in v2.36
Dave Walcott
Great new Kristen W. thanks!
Kristen W.
Merged in a post:
Ability to Sort List Select Fields in List View
Wes Payton
It would be beneficial to add the option to sort List Select fields in the List View. Enabling sorting would enhance the organization and efficiency of managing assets in the List View.
Kristen W.
in progress
Mike W.
We need to be able to sort as well as search fields that are either from a drop-down list or an asset list.