Integration with
We need some way to create and edit network diagrams and flowcharts. Downloading a visio-file for editing and then uploading it again is too much hassle.
Inplace editing of would be awesome!
Carl L.
YES Please either integrate or include or something along those lines. We have constant need to update our docs pictorially, which, honestly should be done inside of the one, the only doc system... HUDU. Doesn't have to be draw io. There are multiple drawing systems that I think can be done in a way that adds minimal new storage load to HUDU. It also could be an integration where the data resides with us not you.
Dave B.
I also work with bookstack on the side. As a computer scientist, I am always dependent on network drawings for customers. We do this with Please integrate this feature in the near future! Downloading/uploading and integrating with iframe is not a workload reduction for me, but an additional effort. Time is often of the essence and documentation is always postponed when such a procedure is imminent.
Bookstack has Draw. Io directly in their Wiki documents, and live editing and updating for all users, Bookstack is a free open source platform, if they can do it Hudu can!
Kristen W.
Merged in a post:
Adding a Draw/Shape feature
Dominic B.
It would be very useful to add some type of drawing and shape inserting capabilities in documents. We create various instructional documents both internally and for clients. Being able to draw on images and insert shapes such as a circle, square, arrows would be very helpful to make documentation more visual for people. It would also eliminate the need to have to edit images in paint or 3rd party software and then have to save and import the modified image in Hudu (plus not all modified images import successfully in Hudu in my experience)
Kristen W.
Merged in a post:
Basic Diagram Function
Michael T.
It would be fantastic to do some basic vector diagrams in Hudu.
This would be invaluable when users don't have a need for a more powerful tool such as, omnigraffle or lucid chart.
It could be as limited as a few shapes, lines and arrows and text bubbles. Similar to edit options in Apple Preview would be enough from where I stand.
Extra points if you could add tags on the objects that related to assets.
Dennis E.
Sign.. that is one great feature we have in IT-Portal
Ramon D.
Ramon D.: I agree that LucidChart is the better choice if I was the only one using Hudu.
However if i make a chart in LC and embed it in Hudu, my coworkers cant edit the chart, only view it. I know they can request access and all that, but thats way to much hassle.
in anyone can edit the chart without any fuss. They just have to re-embed it after editing.
If would update like LC does, problem would be solved :)
William H.
I wrote in an another idea somewhere, that personally, I would love it if we can draw from assets - e.g. use custom fields to control the hierarchy and automatically map items out.
... I still feel that way, but, simple drawings as well would be cool!
William H. Drawing from the assets available would just make soo much sense, then they're hyperlinked to the item - you can then see the UN/PW for the item to jump onto.