Global Asset View Table Fields
in progress
Gary Herbstman
This may also be an appropriate additional or related feature and that is to make an asset type that is truly global and can be repurposed or used against all the clients. Vendors is a very obvious one. Comcast is a vendor for example that is shared among almost all our clients.
Alex N.
In lieu of opening a new feature request I would instead like to alter this one for the better. There is no reason this tool should be restricted to admins only, and no reason such a tool should exist in the admin area at all.
Even if we have staff who are restricted to individual clients, you could easily incorporate those permissions into the global asset view by filtering said results on said staff's permissions, yes?
The rest of my request matches the original here, if filtering on a type - it should obviously then incorporate that asset layout entirely, yes?
Kristen W.
Alex N.: The new version of this that is currently in progress will be available to all roles, not just admins.
Kristen W.
in progress
Nick L.
This is an absolute must!
Steve H.
Absolutely. Makes it much more difficult if you have a few customers and there is a security release. We edited the network device fields and have the version number in there. Would be great if we could see a complete list of all customer devices and sort them by our version number field to see which devices are impacted.
Joel S.
Upvoting because what good is a global asset view that doesn't actually show any asset information?
Global asset view should at least show fields that have been marked with the "show in lists" property.
Hayden Johnston
Also an export to Excel/CSV button on the table/grid would be great
Noah T.
Bump. This is a feature in IT Glue FWIW.
I'm shocked this isn't a feature already.
Paul M.
this is super important to us, please please please.
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