Better Layout for Documentation Quality (Admin)
in progress
Kristen W.
Merged in a post:
Documentation Quality
Kyle N.
When scrolling down on the Documentation Quality page the Asset Category needs to stay visible at the top of the page.
Sigi R.
would like to add Need a little more formatting features when creating asst layouts.
Add line dividers to separate sections.
make the fields names show bold to help easily indicate where each field starts.
possibly create the ability to create sections, columns and rows in which you can choose which fields are in each section and the be able to drag and drop the said section into a row and column as there seems to be a lot of waste empty space in the current way the information is laid out. for example, if I add a field that requires a date, I input the date and when I view the information there is empty space. Basically I would like to be able to move the field anywhere with the document so that I can put fields side by side to optimize viewing the documentation.
Kristen W.
Sigi R.: Hi Sigi, thanks for the feedback! Since your requests relate to building asset layouts, can you go ahead and make a fresh request with your feedback? This request relates to the documentation quality page and I don't want your feedback to be lost once this is marked as complete. Thanks!
Kristen W.
in progress
Scott H.
Thanks for acknowledging! Nice to know people are looking at these!
Scott H.
Improvement noted from recent update. Could still use some tweaks like a floating scroll bar or locked rows/columns as when one scrolls down to see the scroll bar or scrolls left, you cannot see the category or client.
Kristen W.
Scott H.: They're on the to-do list, promise!