Steve Morrow
How has this not been implemented yet? This seems like a pretty basic feature.
Kristen W.
Merged in a post:
Ability to fully export a companies KB articles.
Sean Ellis
Really need the ability to fully export company KB articles in a format other the CSV (Which KB articles are basically unreadable). This would allow for much more streamlined IT handoffs
Sean Ellis
Crazy that this features doesn't exist... Exporting KB articles into .csv format makes zero sense.
Chris W.
This is a must have. In fact, all of the core assets should be included in the export.
Steven Rich
Yes. Please add
John W.
Please add this!
Don M.
This is available in IT Glue and should be part of Hudu
Collier Cockrell
Would love to see this implemented! We really need to have this. Some clients have over a dozen KB articles that we need exported. Individual exporting is not practical.
Andy Skrzypczak
this would be great to have