Ability to map card data to hudu data fields by integration
in progress
Dudley Fagan
So say you need to export only certain data for vcio engagement. You get some data from snmp, some from liongard, some rmm. If you now want to export this in csv format for some cvio analysis it becomes a mess. It would be much better if the imported data mapped field by field to fields in hudu. This would be done by integration so the integration with the best data in that field, would be the one mapped. I'm sure similar requests have been made.
Kristen W.
in progress
Michael H.
I am so excited for this!!
Kristen W.
Merged in a post:
Adding Mapping of Addigy field to Asset Layouts
Marco S.
Hi, Addigy is providing many very useful information such as Serial Number, Current OSX Version and Users. It would be fantastic if we can map those fields to our layout, so we can have in the list view what we need to see all the time such as the OSX Version (so we know who has not updated yet, Users, so we can support them or serial numbers if we have a support issue. The addigy board is already great, now it would be fantastic if we can map any external board resource to a speific field we want in our layouts.
Kristen W.
Merged in a post:
Match fields from CW Manage to Assets
Nick K.
When importing from CW Manage, we should be able to match the data to corresponding fields in the custom assets. For example, if there is a field in a CW Manage Configuration for an IP Address, we should be able to match that field to a Custom Asset field for IP Addresses.
Kristen W.
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HaloPSA Field Mapping
Jason T.
It would be very useful if we could scrub HaloPSA data, and then map the data to fields within Hudu.
Open tickets, address information, websites, assets, etc.
Wilton B.
What is the status on this? Honestly It'd be nice if Hudu moved away from the whole "cards" philosophy anyway. Should just be able to map to already existing or custom data fields.
As it stands were having to expend effort to take the card data and put that info into a data field ourselves.
Brandon Bowers
Agreed, the fact that basic address information, domain, etc makes no sense. Also, it seems like updates to active users doesn’t sync either. Lots of stale data.
Kristen W.
Merged in a post:
Add integration fields able to show in list
Emil A.
psa integration show name,email and phone number in people list would be nice in List
Kristen W.
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Allow Card fields to be visible in list
Daniel Z.
Please add the ability to have Card fields appear in the list view so that techs do not need to click into the asset to see additional details. Our RMM is ConnectWise Manage.
Kristen W.
Merged in a post:
Add cards info to asset lists
Vitus N.
I'd be really cool if we could use the "show in list" feature for assets that have been imported via integration or somehow match them with existing fields :-)
Kristen W.
Merged in a post:
Using integrations helps decrease workload. For example in our PSA we create contacts, office location(s), Contract info, and more. When we integrate our PSA and say point Contact data to our contacts asset, only manually input data shows on the clients main contacts asset page, with the exception of "Name" (there is no custom asset field in the asset contacts called "name"). There should be a way to pull data from the integration card to show in the main screen of the asset rather than having to duplicate the information manually. I have dug around, looked everywhere I can think of and can't find a way to do this. I can tell the integration which custom asset to put the different items into, but I can't tell it to display them on the main asset screen for the client.
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