UniFi API Versione 0.1
Naftuli H.
Unifi has added API for hosted controlers unifi.ui.com
Please add to the integration the option.
Marco S.
That would be super helpful and gives us options to make Hudu even better
Oliver A.
+1. Agreed. This would be amazing. Most clients who roll out new UniFi deployments use Cloud gateways, so they're incompatible with Hudu's integration.
Sean VanderMolen
Yes, this is necessary!
Robert M.
This should definitely be at the top of the request list.
Christian D.
This would be very big for us as well
Dalton Humpf
This is much needed! I lot of people use Site Manager with UDMs and the current integration doesnt help me
Dennis E.
that would be amazing for us ;)
Todd L.
Yes, please add this, it will be added to over time, at least begin wtih the simple integration of Hosts, Sites, and Devices. Then as they add more details you only have to add featured incrementally. I would take this over not being able to use the current UniFi integration since I do not host a single controller for all customers.
Alan H.